
Fertiplon SulfMag


Nutrients% (m/m)
Main component such as  MgSO4 x 7 H2min. 99
Water-soluble magnesium compounds such as  MgOmin. 16,24
Magnesium as Mgmin. 9,8
Sulfur as  Smax. 12
Iron content as Fe3+max. 0,0015
Chlorides such as  Cl-max. 0,0014
Arsenic as Asmax. 0,0002
Magnesium content  as  MgSO4max. 48,59
Heavy metals such as  Pb2+ max. 0,0006
Cadmium as Cdmax. 0,0002

FERTIPLON SulfMag magnézium-szulfát-heptahidrát egy kiváló minőségű, kristályos magnézium-kén műtrágya, mely vízben teljesen oldódik és idegen szennyeződésektől mentes. Univerzális műtrágya minden növény számára. Mezőgazdaságban, gyümölcstermesztésben és kertészetben használatos.


  • the fertilizer is a rich source of two important secondary nutrients: magnesium and sulfur, which are responsible, inter alia, for the process of photosynthesis and the production of fats and proteins in plant tissues, especially during periods of intense growth,
  • protects plants from fungal diseases, 
  • does not contain ballast material - can be used entirely by the plant.
  • easily soluble in water, the solution contains a very well absorbed form of both macronutrients,
  • able to alleviate to some extent the magnesium and sulfur deficiencies already identified,
  • improves the efficiency of the use of other nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus.


  • 25 kg bag


  • recommended for foliar fertilization of cereals, potatoes, beets, legumes and lawn with magnesium and sulfur, from bushing to earing,
  • recommended for foliar fertilization for high-sulfur-need crops such as rape, cabbage, radish, mustard, onion, leek, garlic,
  • the fertilizer is widely used to nutrient indoor horticultural crops: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and ornamentals, including conifers,
  • especially suitable for drip irrigation systems,
  • for the enrichment of horticultural soils (eg peat substrate) for the production of indoor ornamental plants and vegetable and plant seedlings
  • component of fertilizer mixtures.


CultivationTime of application Dose of fertilizer
Number of sprayings recommendedaRecommended amount of water   (l/ha)
its 5.-8. leaf on the main shoot  (BBCH15-18)
On the main shoot 1.-3. open flower  (BBCH61-63)
1-3 reaches its typical shape and size  (BBCH71-73)
4.-6. fruit on the main shoot reaches its typical shape and size  (BBCH74-76)
(pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini)
6.-9. or more leaves on the main shoot  (BBCH16-19)
2-6. first-order side shoot visible  (BBCH22-26)
On the main shoot 6.-7. flower bud visible on elongated stalk (BBCH56-57)
(onions, garlic)
Well visible 3.-6. letter (BBCH13-16)
Beginning of development of the part of the crop to be harvested  (BBCH41-42)
Onions reach 30-50% of typical diameter  (BBCH43-45)
(carrots, parsley, celery, beets)
3.-4. letter (BBCH13-14)
The root reaches 30-50% of the typical diameter (BBCH43-45)
(cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, radish, kale)
Elkezdődik a fejek kialakítása (BBCH41)
The head reaches 40-50% of the typical size(BBCH44-45)
The head reaches 60-80% of the typical size (BBCH46-48)
6-10 1300-500
(peas, beans)
1-5. internódium látható (BBCH31-35)6-101300-500
Apple trees
(apple tree, pear tree)
Visible flower buds - green bud phase (BBCH55-56)
Flower drying: most of the petals fall off (BBCH67)
The fruit reaches a size of 10-20 mm  (BBCH71-72)
Fruit type - the fruit reaches 90% of the typical size  (BBCH73-79)
Seed trees
(sour cherries, cherries, plums, peaches, apricots)
White bud phase - most flowers with petals form a concave sphere  (BBCH57-59)
Flower drying: most of the petals fall off - end of flowering phase  (BBCH67)
Growth of seed houses  (BBCH13-72)
Immediately after harvest
Ornamental plants

Vegetation restart - leaf development
The shoots reach 50% of the target length
The first shoots reach the target length
Beginning of flowering
Fruit growth and ripening - until the first harvest



Agricultural crops

CultivationTime of application Dose of fertilizer
Number of sprayings recommendedRecommended spray quantity   (l/ha)
WheatLeaf development - bushing  (BBCH11-29)
Stem growth  (BBCH30-37)
Spring Barley3 leaf phase - onset of stem growth  (BBCH13-32)
Flag leaf phase - visible first strand  (BBCH39-49)
Rye3 leaf phase - onset of stem growth  (BBCH13-32)
Flag leaf phase - onset of earing  (BBCH39-51)
Barley3-leaf phase - onset of bushing  (BBCH13-22)
Start of stem growth - flag leaf phase  (BBCH30-39)
Maize2.-6. letter (BBCH12-16)
7.-8. letter (BBCH17-18)
1 stemnode phase - onset of billet development  (BBCH31-51)
10-15 1200-300
Rape4 leaf phase - 1st visible internode  (BBCH14-31)
Flower bud development - yellow bud phase  (BBCH50-59)
End of flowering stage - 30% of the buds reach typical size  (BBCH69-73)
Sugar beet4.-7. letter (BBCH14-17)
8 Leaf Phase - Start of Row Merge  (BBCH18-31)
The leaves cover 20-40% of the soil area  (BBCH32-34)
Potatoes3.-6. leaf on the main stem  (BBCH13-16)
First side branches visible - 80% of plants between rows  (BBCH21-38)
Onset of tuber formation (BBCH40-41)
Tubers reach 20-60% of total final weight (BBCH42-46)